For transformations, imported vehicles and non-periodic inspections, please contact the station by phone.
Calle Mariano Barbacid, 8, 28521, Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid
ContactPhone number: 917 51 82 53
From Monday to Friday:
7:30 - 20:30
7:30 - 14:00
7:30 - 17:00
January: 5th
January: 1st, 6th
April: 17th, 18th
May: 1st, 2nd, 15th, 16th
July: 25th
August: 15th
November: 1st
December: 6th, 8th, 24th, 25th, 31st
Pass your Vehicle Technical Inspection at our Rivas MOT center, which is part of TÜV Rheinland's ITV Madrid network. Book an appointment at ITV Rivas through the website to ensure the best service. Our team of professionals will carry out the vehicle inspection to verify that it can circulate with adequate guarantees in terms of road safety and environmental protection.
Zone: Vallecas, Ensanche de Vallecas, Vicálvaro, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Rivas de Jarama, Velilla de San Antonio, Arganda del Rey, La Poveda, Loeches, Mejorada del Campo, Campo Real, Morata de Tajuña, Perales de Tajuña.